Dr. David Reuben's

Quick Weight-Gain Program*

*Safe, easy weight gain for every age and situation™


Dr. David Reuben, M.D.

Dr. David Reuben's


*Safe, easy weight gain for every age and situation

sample selections...




An Open Letter to my Fellow Physicians

To My Readers

1. The New Way to Tell If You're Underweight

2. What They Never Told You About Underweight

3. How to Gain With "Friendly Fat"

4. Carbohydrates: Pick Them Right to Put on Pounds

5. Weight-Gain Strategy: The Key to Success

6. The Caloric Bill of Rights, CCK, OFD, and Other Tricks of the Trade

7. Putting The Program to Work for You: More Calories with Every Bite

8. The Truth: More Pounds Mean Better Sex

9. Seventeen Secrets for Putting on Pounds Fast

10. How Vegetarians Can Gain Weight Easily: The Organoleptic Connection

11. How to Help Your Child Put on Weight: "Menu Modules", Menu Modification, and Sebastian Q. Squirrel

12. Seniors Can Do It Too: When More Pounds Mean Longer Life

13. Making the Most of Your Diet: The Total Push for Pounds

14. Pure Weight-Gain Pleasure: Exciting Menus and Tantalizing Tidbits

15. More Fun: Easy Hi-Cal Recipes You Can Make in a Jiffy

Something to Save: Basic Principles of Weight Gain

Dr. David Reuben's


*Safe, easy weight gain for every age and situation


"It has been said that a woman can never be too thin or too rich. As a witty remark it's fine. As medical advice, it's in far Left Field. In the headlong rush to imitate the emaciated young ladies and gentlemen in the fashion magazines everyone seems to have forgotten that up to 48 million underweight Americans struggle every day to keep from getting even thinner. That's right -- 48 million underweight Americans -- calculated according to the strict "Dietary Guidelines for Americans" of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, as well as the criteria of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Center for Health Statistics, the Canadian Ministry of National Health, and the World Health Organization. It's one thing to step on the scales in the morning and see that you've put on a pound or two. That's annoying. But imagine how it feels to lose more and more of your already scanty fat, muscle, and connective tissue as each day goes by. It's your precious body that's disappearing bit by bit in spite of all you can do to eat as much and as often as you can.

No one whose weight is normal -- and much less someone who is overweight -- can really appreciate the frustration of being thin -- and getting thinner. And the wonders of Space Age Medicine aren't much help. Listen to what one of my underweight and unhappy patients remarked to me only yesterday. Her name is Helen, she is 27 years old, five feet three inches tall and weighs 91 pounds.

"I went to my family doctor and told him I was too thin and I wanted desperately to gain weight. He laughed and said,

'Come back after you have your first baby and I'll help you lose weight. I don't have time to treat imaginary problems!' "

But underweight is not an imaginary problem. In some strange lapse Medical Science seems to have developed collective amnesia as far as underweight is concerned. Not too many years ago -- as recently as the nineteen-forties -- medical texts and medical journals were replete with articles dedicated to the serious problems of underweight. Then, little by little, victims of underweight were shoved into the background as the very profitable business of "weight reduction" grew and prospered. Fast food and a slow life style made millions of people puffy while the chronically thin got even thinner -- and even more forgotten.

I know what plump people say: " I'd give anything if only I had that problem! Why should anyone complain about being underweight?".

Just for the record, here's why:

1. Underweight can be fatal. Up to 5% of all the deaths in the U.S. are the attributable to underweight. That adds up to 120,000 deaths per year, making underweight the fourth most frequent cause of death in the United States -- after death by strokes and more common than accidental death.

2. In a recent medical study of 608 underweight women (their subnormal weight was confirmed by a reliable scientific measurement known as the "BMI" or "Body Mass Index") more than 1/3 suffered from significant menstrual problems, chronic fatigue, neck pain, and stomach problems. These problems are everyday experiences for millions of underweight American women.

3. There is now conclusive scientific evidence that people who are underweight have a much greater chance of dying prematurely than those whose weight is normal. Underweight is a serious medical problem.

4. For years pregnant women were exhorted to keep their weight down -- at all costs. But now we know that pregnant women who are even moderately underweight have a much higher rate of anemia, frequently have undersized apathetic babies, and more of their babies die around the time of birth.

If we take all these facts into consideration it becomes obvious that underweight is one of the most serious medical problems in America today. That's the bad news. But the good news is this: Underweight can be cured successfully -- without drugs, without expensive treatments, without risk to the patient. All it takes is a profound awareness of the problem, an understanding of the simplest and most successful methods of treatment, and the dedication to help every person who is underweight regain their normal weight.

That's exactly what Dr. David Reuben's Quick Weight Gain Diet™ offers you. To get started, just turn the page..."

That's the complete INTRODUCTION.

Now here's a sample of the First Chapter:

Dr. David Reuben's


*Safe, easy weight gain for every age and situation


The first step in our program to gain weight is to ask the critical question:

"How do I tell if I'm underweight?". There are some simple and reliable ways to tell and as we go along we'll explain exactly how to use them.

But first of all, don't worry -- if you're underweight you have plenty of company. It may come as a surprise but up to 17% of American men, women, and children, are below their healthy and desirable weight. According to authoritative medical surveys, as many as 48 million Americans are underweight. As a direct result of being underweight, you run a real risk of serious illness, a substandard quality of life, and worst of all -- dying well before your time. Underweight is much more than just being "skinny" -- it is a condition that undermines your health and your well-being.

And it can ruin your children's life as well. Women who are underweight run a real risk of giving birth to undersized, unhealthy, apathetic babies, and all too many of their babies die before, during, or after birth.

But that's only the tip of the iceberg. Underweight people suffer financially too. Many important and attractive job opportunities are off limits to them. Police officers, firefighters, and security guards -- among others -- have to meet minimum weight standards. So no matter how capable, how experienced, and how motivated a person may be, underweight slams the door of opportunity in their face. More subtly but just as tragic, in the hundreds of thousands of jobs that require a public "image", underweight folks get the "don't call us, we'll call you" routine. That includes everything from receptionists and hostesses to lucrative sales jobs and the bulk of positions in the area of "public contact" and "public relations".

And if the health hazards and the financial loss isn't enough, the emotional suffering can be intense. Like it or not, we live in a world of expectations. Women are expected to have full rounded hips, clearly delineated breasts, full calves, and attractive legs. Men are expected to have broad shoulders, well-developed arms and legs, and a "weighty" presence. Men tend to choose women who fulfill these "expectations" and women tend to choose men the same way. It's not fair; but unfortunately that's the way it is. And often the reactions of the outside world are cruel and painful. Charlene's case was typical.

After months of indecision as summer approached, she finally did something few underweight women dare. She bought a two piece bathing suit. Reasonably satisfied with the way she looked, on the first warm day she ventured onto the beach. After a few minutes of basking in the sun, she decided to take a dip in the ocean. As she arose from her beach blanket and took the first step toward the water she heard the woman behind her remark loudly to her husband,

" Oh, look at that awfully scrawny woman! Why, she's just skin and bones!"

That took all the fun out of Charlene's day at the beach and cast a shadow over her entire summer.

For underweight folks, every trip to buy clothes can be an ordeal. Underweight women have to haunt the girls department for their outfits -- and sometimes they have to even turn to boy's clothing stores to find the sizes they need. And of course, the clothes don't really fit. A girl is not a woman and a boy even less so. Beyond that, the styles just aren't the same. That's what bothers Marilyn:

"You know, Doctor, I'm a receptionist at a major medical clinic. I'm twenty-five years old, five feet three, and I weigh one hundred and three pounds. I haunt the girl's department and the boy's department at the clothing stores and most of the time I find clothes that I can barely get by with. But it's not the "medical clinic look" exactly. You know what the styles for kids are like! Sometimes the doctors arrive in the morning and ask me things like,

"How was the rock concert?" or "What band do you play in?'

"It's embarrassing and one of these days it can cost me my job. And when I go out on a date? Somehow they don't stock a nice sexy basic black dress in the " contemporary teens" department.

And it's not much easier for men. Listen to what Roger says:

"Sometimes, Doctor, I feel like I live in a different world -- as if nobody knows I'm here!"

"What do you mean, Roger?"

"Well, take clothes for instance. I'm five feet eleven and I weigh 133. I'm an account executive with a major advertising agency and I have to call on our clients. I have three or four meetings every day. I'm talking to presidents of big companies -- you know these fellows are sharp dressers. And here I am with a shirt collar that gapes around my neck. If I get a shirt with a collar that fits, it's a size so small that the sleeves are halfway up to my elbows. If my suit jacket fits in the shoulders, there's enough room to shop-lift a television set between me and the front button. Even if I buy the top brands, I end up looking like I did my shopping in the Salvation Army store in Beverly Hills! It's all name brands but sized for three different people!"

"Have you found a solution?"

Roger smiled grimly.

"Sure. I have my suits and slacks and shirts custom-made. In my business, appearance is everything and I have to make a good impression. A simple suit costs me about $850.00 and I can get a plain white shirt for about $98.00 if I buy three at a time. Slacks are only $190.00 and fortunately I don't need custom-made underwear. I use safety pins to tighten up my shorts because no one sees it. It's not exactly the way I want to do it but until I put on some weight, I don't have much choice."

When it comes to personal relationships, things aren't much better. Beth's experience is typical.

"You know people have said that our culture has a breast-fixation. Well, I'm not in any danger of that because before you can have a breast-fixation, you have to have breasts. Would you believe a 31╜ A cup? It's like the old joke -- I thought I was putting my bra on backwards until I realized I was putting it on the right way? Only it's no joke."

Beth shrugged.

"It's not that I want to become a sex symbol exactly but I want people to know whether I'm coming or going. Well, I guess you can tell by all the jokes I make about it that it really bothers me. I mean, I can't wear a decent sweater, I don't fill out my blouses and I can even imagine going to the beach. I know what the problem is -- I weigh 102 and I'm five feet five. I know that breasts are mostly fat and I just don't have any. And speaking of fat, I can't sit on a wooden chair. I don't have any padding anywhere on my body -- it's like I don't have a rump. You can imagine how I look in tight jeans."

She shook her head.

"But it's not really the clothes or the chairs that bother me. Men just don't go for a girl who doesn't look like a girl. No breasts, no derriere, no curves -- and I like men, I like romance, I like to feel sexy -- but I just can't get started."

Fortunately for Beth, the Quick Weight Gain Diet solves all those problems. There are even special techniques that make sure the breasts and hips get their share of development as the pounds go on. (You'll read about them in detail in Chapter 5.) Before Beth's diet program is over, she'll be able to wear sweaters, sit on wooden chairs, and stroll proudly around the beach like anyone else.

The truth is, for those who are underweight, adding pounds opens the door to a better life in every way. As you gain weight, you gain better health, longer life, better job opportunities, and better personal relationships. In a real sense, when you gain weight, you gain everything else.

But how do you know if you are really underweight? There are several answers to that question -- depending on what your goals are. In general, if you think you are underweight, you are underweight. If you look in the mirror and see scrawny arms, spindly legs, a thin neck, and sunken cheeks, you are underweight. If you are a woman and you have a flat chest, straight hips, and thin buttocks, you are underweight. If you can't sit comfortably because you don't have enough padding, if your clothes hang on you instead of fitting you, you are underweight.

Of course everyone has the freedom to decide if they want to be underweight. Some people like the idea of being thin, bony, and angular. But most of us prefer to reach a well-rounded normal weight. Most of us like to be attractive esthetically and sexually. Most of us like the added protection against unforeseen illness or accident that a normal weight reserve gives us.

As we said, anyone who feels they are underweight, can follow the Quick Weight Gain Diet and easily and safely add those missing pounds. To make it even easier and more efficient, it helps if you have some scientific measurement of really how underweight you are and how close you are getting to your goal of normal weight. Unfortunately for the past hundred years or so it wasn't that easy. All we had to go by was the famous "height and weight tables". They used to be on the front of the penny scales and in the back of "Family Medical Encyclopedias" -- and in the High School gym coach's desk drawer...

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Last update: October 25th., 1997

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